Monday, June 13, 2022

10 strong ninjas that are "on the scale" with a normal Kage level in Naruto (Part 1)

 In the Naruto series there are many talented ninjas, but there are many Konoha shinobi stronger than the Kage of other villages!

The Kage is generally considered to be the most powerful shinobi known in the villages. Through many difficult tasks, they rise to the top, gain great power, and gain people's recognition.

> View more: Who is the strongest character in Naruto?

Here is a list of 10 Konoha ninjas already strong above Kage level (Part 1):

10. Uchiha Itachi

Itachi is famous as an elite shinobi of Konoha. With the aim of changing the village for the better by bringing peace, Itachi always tries to be stronger than anyone else. Although he failed to achieve that goal due to circumstances, he gained enough strength to surpass the usual Kage.

With the Mangekyo Sharingan, few were likely to pose a threat to Itachi. Even without using eyebending, he is strong enough to fight Naruto's Nine-Tails chakra, which shows that Itachi is much stronger than we thought.

9. Namikaze Minato

Konoha's Fourth Hokage - Minato Namikaze was an extraordinary figure for his time. After witnessing his abilities, Jiraiya stated that Minato was the strongest shinobi he had seen in years.

Minato's strength comes from his speed, earning him the nickname the Golden Lightning of Konoha. Minato's abilities were clearly seen during the Third Shinobi World War. (Minato Kunai)

8. Sarutobi Hiruzen

He is the Third Hokage of Konoha. According to many, Hiruzen was the strongest of the Hokage in his prime, including Hashirama Senju. In his old age, he was introduced to be stronger than all the Kage, as another testament to the Third's strength. Thus, in its heyday, Hiruzen surpassed the ordinary Kage level. In fact, he is one of the few people who can fight many Kage-level enemies on his own.

7. Senju Hashirama

Hashirama was the first Hokage of Konoha, also known as the 'god of shinobi'. Thanks to his great strength and love of peace, he succeeded in uniting many clans, eventually establishing the first ninja village in the Naruto series.

According to Madara Uchiha, Hashirama was the only shinobi capable of competing with him, Madara himself being able to defeat all of the Five Great Kage in an instant despite not using his full strength. Therefore, it was easy to say that Hashirama was too strong for the average Kage.

6. Uchiha Obito

Obito was originally a kid without many talents or skills. But later on, he played a big role in Naruto. As the Jinchuriki of the Ten-Tails, Obito is able to fight the entire shinobi alliance on his own, including many Kage-rank shinobi. Obito is truly an incredible ninja, his strength is comparable to that of Otsutsuki.

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